Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I left out something from the Cape Trib trip because I thought it was cool enough to have its own post and pictures. Within five minutes of setting up our tents, we heard some rustling around in the forest on the side of the camp. It was definitely big, so we were pretty intrigued and went over to investigate. It turned out to be a monitor lizard (goanna) that was a good 5 feet long. Seriously the thing was huge, it looked like a dinosaur. Walked just like a komodo dragon too, it was really cool. Naturally we chased it and it climbed up a tree. Turns out it hung around all week, and basically every time we came back to our camp it was laying around our tent basking or crawling through our neighbours’ trash. I’m guessing it likes to hang around there and roots through people’s garbage for food. Definitely one of the cooler wild animals I have seen though.

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