Sunday, July 26, 2009


We figured our classes out this week.  I had to do a lot of switching things around because there were so many conflicts between what I was signed up for.  Since the marine science classes I wanted were technically different levels or years, they don't really design them to be taken together since regular students would not be taking them at the same time.  I ended up with only 2 of the classes I though I would be in originally but its not a big deal because I like the ones I am in and my schedule is sweet.  

My classes are:

-Coral Reef Ecology: This has a field trip out to the Great Barrier Reef for 4 days where we get to dive and do labs and things so it is going to be pretty awesome.

-Marine Conservation Biology

-Design and Analysis for Ecological Studies: I'm really pumped about this one because I've never done anything like this before, it is using data to create computer models for different types of ecological situations.  This is the type of thing I'll be getting into if I end up doing anything with conservation for a career.

-Effective Photography:  Awesome.  I'm excited about this one as well, I've been wanting to take a photography class for a long time.

So with these for classes my school schedule is:
Monday 9-10 and 1-5
Tuesday 9-11 and 12-2
Wednesday 10-1
Thursday 10-12 and 2-5
Friday 3-4

Pretty sweet.  Only one class on Wednesday and Friday, which means there is a lot of possibilities for three day weekend trips.  I'm also free for dive club meetings which I'm excited about because they do a ton of trips.  Classes start tomorrow so we are gearing up for that, meanwhile there was just an announcement that the bus for the school sponsored sunday drinking event at the tavern leaves in 15 minutes.  I could get used to this place.                 

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