Sunday, July 26, 2009

The strand, campus, etc

So in our free time this week we've been doing a lot of exploring around Townsville.  It is about a 20 minute bus ride to the city and the beach so its a pretty sweet deal.  The beach here is called "the strand"  and is probably about a mile long.  All of the Aussies say it is a crappy beach but none of us Americans can really figure out why because it is pretty nice.  
The other day one of the Australians took us around to a couple places to show us some cool spots.  Behind the strand and downtown is a small mountain called Castle Hill, there is a road and a hiking path that goes to the top.  It is an awesome view from the top-you can see the entire city, the beach, and the ocean.  Right behind our campus is a mountain called Mount Stuart.  We drove to the top of that as well and it is cool because you can see everything between campus and downtown, as well as way out into the ocean and the surrounding islands.  Mount Stuart is owned by the army here so apparently everything is fenced off and there are signs everywhere saying if you try to hike up you will get shot or blown up by a land mine.  Someone pointed a trail out to us that you can supposedly get up to the top from so we are going to give it a go soon.  

Exciting personal accomplishments in the last few days include getting a hammock for my balcony and acquiring a bike.  Sweet, I'm all set for the semester.

A sweet tree down by the strand.  There are a lot of these all over, the roots like grow down from the branches then into the ground once they reach it.

View from our room balconies.  Mount Stuart is to the right of the ones in this picture.

I got a hammock!

The other day when we were walking I found a preying mantis.  I put it on my balcony and it stayed there for a couple days before it took off.  

We were at Maggie Island yesterday and it was incredible.  I am going to try to put up pictures from there soon because it was absolutely amazing.  


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