Saturday, July 11, 2009

Leave in 1 Day, Arrive in 3

Finally finished packing and am ready to head out.  I fly out of MSP tomorrow morning and get to LAX around 11 am.  The flight to Sydney doesn't leave till 11 pm, but there should be plenty of other people to meet that will be on the Australia flight so that will help pass the time.  Everybody on the flight is involved in the AustraLearn program like me and will be going to JCU as well, which is going to make it a lot easier to get through all of the travel.  During the 15 hour flight to Sydney we also lose 17 hours of time.  Once we get to Sydney we have a short layover and then a flight to Cairns where we finally arrive at around 1 pm on Monday.  50 or so hours after I left home.

Once in Cairns we have a 4 day AustraLearn orientation program to help introduce us to the country.  They haven't given us all the details yet but we will get to SCUBA dive on the Great Barrier Reef, go on a rainforest tour, and visit a wildlife sanctuary among other things.  Quite the way to start off the semester.  And I'll actually have something exciting to put on here then.  Afterwards we will bus to JCU about 4 hours away and go through a week of orientation activities at the university before classes finally start on the 27th.  It is going to be nice to have free time before the semester begins to get acquainted with the new setting.  



  1. I hope you have a blast out there!! it sounds like you will!! and don't be a stranger
