Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So I knew about this even before I wrote the previous post but I am too excited about it so I kept it separate.  Last week I signed up for the dive club here at school and booked a trip out to the Yongala and Wheeler Reef.  WOOOOOOO!  But seriously I’m so pumped about it.  The trip is August 21-23, we leave Friday night so that we wake up Saturday morning at Wheeler Reef and do 3 dives that day, then boat to the Yongala overnight and do two dives at the Yongala on Sunday.  Since it is with the dive club through school the price was really good and I have like 6 or 7 friends going with me so it’s going to be a great time.  I honestly can’t wait to get out there and dive.  Wheeler Reef is supposed to be amazing and obviously the Yongala is phenomenal.  Can’t wait to take pictures of everything.  Like I said before it is whale season so we might even end up diving with whales at some of the sites.  I am guessing I am going to love it so much that I will probably do a few more Yongala trips before the semester is over.  There is a grouper at the wreck called VW because it is bigger than a car that I will try to get a picture with.  Can’t wait. 


            As I was writing this I remembered a conversation my friend and I had with a guy from the dive shop on Magnetic Island.  We were asking him about the Yongala wreck and how we read that everybody on board died.  We asked him if you could still see the bones and stuff.  He got really weird about it and said that you are not allowed to look for the bodies.  A couple years ago authorities went down and stuffed all the remains inside of the ship where you can’t get to. Apparently there is a huge fine and you get arrested if you try to get in there.  He told us National Geographic went down a couple years ago and that they dove deep to get to all of the bodies and film everything.  When they came up they were arrested and had all of their film confiscated.  Don't know how much I believe it but I thought it was a pretty cool story anyway.  No matter what, it's going to be awesome.     

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